“I am an ordinary man with extraordinary desires,
and I will persevere till I become an extraordinary man with ordinary desires.”
Vijay Michihito Batra is a revered and trusted name as a inspirational and motivational speaker in India. He is driven to spread the message of positive thinking and work ethics through his talks and training seminars. He brings a unique blend of Indian, Japanese and American ways of success. Having worked in India, Japan and America over extended periods of time, Vijay has experienced and observed the principles of success which are universally applicable. He has recently co-authored with his father Dr. Promod K. Batra to write a book that chronicles the success principles of Indian Entrepreneurs – Walk on Sand, before you Sleep on Silk, published by Full Circle. The book has become a guide for the budding entrepreneurs.
Owing to his unique lineage, Vijay embodies the Samurai spirit and comprehensively translates its essence, adapting it with equal intensity for the climate of the Indian soil. He is thus among the very few trainers in India who conduct sensitization workshops for Indians wanting to succeed with the Japanese and for the Japanese wanting to succeed in conducting business in India. He strives to create the energy among participants to pursue success and happiness. Like the Japanese wish each other gambatte kudasai, Vijay too drives people to do their best, and not rely on luck, chance or fate.
In addition to motivational trainings, Vijay is highly sought after to conduct programmes on leadership for the senior and top management in prestigious companies. His effortless brilliance in sharing powerful unconventional wisdom worded mostly simply – is a unique talent to which he owes his immense popularity. He transforms people by impinging upon their minds subtly, yet strongly. He successfully deconstructs the inner workings of commonplace thoughts and adds his fresh and empowering perspective to it. Vijay’s unassuming grace and charisma make him a speaker par excellence.
Vijay Michihito Batra Born on 19 July 1962.
Alumni of: DPS Mathura Road, Bhagat Singh College, University Of Pittsburgh, JAIMS (Japanese American Institute of Management Sciences) & PHP Institute – a Think Tank affiliated to Panasonic, founded by Matsushita Konosuke, who is considered to be the ultimate authority in management and leadership in Japan.
Training statistics so far: Interacted with over 2,00,000 participants in over 2000 workshops in 200+companies. Worked with small intimate groups of just ten participants for duration of three days, to large group of a hundred to 5,000 participants for duration as short as 30 minutes. Successfully conducted over 15,000 hours of active learning sessions.
My anchoring thought: The harder you work, easier life becomes; the easier you work, harder life becomes.
The personal goal which I pursue through the training profession: By reaching out to others, I am able to heal myself in the process. Whenever I have felt that life was unfair to me, I bore a grudge in my heart. Soon enough I found myself to suffer from a martyr syndrome! Through trainings, I strive to become a secure and a good person, becoming humble by the love and recognition I receive for my work. Training teaches me to appreciate people for the good they bring in and accept people with their limitations and challenges without judging them.
The scope of training as I see it: Life is all about conditioning, and I believe that adult education is a combination of continuous learning and un-learning. Training plays a significant role in informing the participants as to what are the better ways of being, and ways to achieve it.
Technical training has direct impact on performance which enables an individual to feel worthy and trustworthy. While technical training improves the skill, attitudinal training intensifies the will. And therefore they must go hand in hand in order to truly uplift the individual.
Building the bond of empathy with my learners: I reveal myself using a lot of humor to disarm the learner’s inhibitions and internal resistance. Also, I share personal experiences as to how I have improved myself and am living a better life. I candidly discuss my vulnerabilities as ‘case-studies’ to inspire people, and how I dealt with them and overcame them.
I communicate the desire that enabling the participant to overcome their challenges brings me as much joy as it does when I overcome my own challenges.
I subtly transmit the motto that “I am an ordinary man with extraordinary desires, and I will not quit till I become an extraordinary man with ordinary desires.” And if I can do it, so can you.
I focus on creating enabling beliefs, which trigger the desire in my participants to develop skills that lead to success and happiness.
My leisure pursuits and stress buster: My leisure activities are golfing and watching inspirational movies. In fact I never tire of a movie if it has touched me within. I watch it many times over, finding yet new and deeper meanings.
My unique approach and method to make learning interesting: My approach is to be loud, using lots of humour, using simple words, making sure that abnormal things that we take to be normal are brought to the attention so that the participants realize their blind spots.
My method is to transfer my feelings to the participants under the cover of loudness and humour.
I ask my participants the opposite of happiness. Many answer it immediately as sadness, to which I impress upon the participants that it is boredom. If we engage ourselves in our lives at work and at home, we vibrate with positive energy. Similarly many confuse patience and tolerance, punishment and torture to be synonyms. I enable participants to become clear that patience is active and tolerance is passive, punishment is an act by which a person becomes better, where as torture makes a person bitter.
I practice the art of effective questioning, asking : “Why do you work?” , “Why did you join the organization in which you work?” Often the answers given are pre-conditioned and not pre-thought. The participants realize that working for money is not the primary reason; working to become better is the primary reason. Similarly the primary reason to join an organization is to make the organization better; in the process the individual becomes better.
I use multimedia clips and movies as the base of conveying and creating the impact in my message. Be it Raju Hirani movies, Pursuit of Happyness or The Kite Runner, I narrate clips with minute observations, and often the participants come to me and thank me for teaching a better way to watch and gain from movies. I find certain powerful scenes have great impact in triggering shifts in paradigms and creating insights.
I persevere in equal measure along with my creative team, to deliver content which would make the learning experience a memorable journey that takes the participants from theory to practice.
Some of my favourite reads: Outliers by Malcom Gladwell The latest book I read was Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.
Experiences that brought a turning point in my life and outlook: In 1984 I was a bus boy, cleaning tables in a restaurant in Baltimore USA, and I would tell customers that I would work in Wall Street one day, and within four years I was. What you conceive in your mind, you can achieve.
Coming back to India in 1997 and setting up Think Inc., and making a success of it has given me tremendous joy and confidence. In short phases we did see challenges coming our way, and we dealt with them with a sense of positive and rational enthusiasm. Fifteen years on in 2012 Think Inc. has entered a new era – an era of rapid holistic growth.
My inspiration: To bring about a change in myself for the better, through assisting others in uplifting themselves. To see my daughter and my son live amazing lives, as good, intelligent, vibrant, aware and benevolent human beings.
My central message for the learners:Switch On – Commitment, Important, Design, Learn, Puzzle, And, Essential, Strength, Choice. Become a better person (improving the capacity to help others and actually engaging oneself to help others) daily.
My participants describe me as: Electrifying, intensely involved, down to earth, amazingly humorous, extremely driven, passionately connected.
The quotation which summarizes the principle I live by: Any experience that does not kill me makes me stronger.
Connect with me: Linkedin profile – www.linkedin.com/in/vijaybatra
Email id – thinkinc@successcorners.com